One of the greatest advantages of web application is system integration. Not having to re-type data that you've already typed from another web app can be a real time saver. Today, I'm proud to reveal our brand-new 3rd party integration, Harvest.
It's hard to start using a fresh software when there's no data. Seeing a series of blank pages and lists is certainly not the best user experience. That's why we supply four pre-build client questionnaires raging from Identity design to Wordpress redesign, etc. Importing your clients and contacts is also an important part to get you started in the right direction.
As soon as you connect your Harvest account, we will import your existing clients so it should be easier and quicker to create new questionnaires and proposals for those returning clients of yours.
It is certainly exciting to get your work agreements approved by your clients. Another nice thing when you connect your Harvest account is that Osmosis will be able to create invoices for you based on the financial detail part of your approved proposals. The invoice will be on your Harvest invoices' list, waiting for you to be reviewed and sent to the client.
Step 1: Go to your Settings page and click on the top-right Integrations button, you will see the available 3rd party apps that we currently support. You can click on the Connect your Harvest account button.
Step 2: Fill in your Harvest information. You can create a user on your Harvest account specially designed to act as your integration account. Make sure your Harvest URL is correct, if you are connecting to Harvest via, you have to input myname.
Step 3: This process can take some time. We'll import your clients into your Osmosis account. You should get a confirmation message when it's done.
Step 4: Click on the Clients tab, you will see your clients there.
We will periodically check for new clients on your Harvest account. You can see this action on your dashboard.