What is your name?
What is your address, including city, state and zip code?
What is your Social Security Number?
What is your driver’s license number or state identification number?
What is your home phone number?
What is your cell phone number?
What is your email address?
Are you married?
When were you married?
In what city and state were you married?
Did the marriage ceremony occur in a church?
Were both your and your spouses’ families present for the ceremony?
How long are/were you two married?
Did you have any marriages prior to this present one?
Do you have any prior divorces?
Does your current spouse have any prior marriages?
Does your current spouse have any prior divorces?
Do you own a house?
Does your family have any cars?
How many cars does your family own?
Do you own any expensive estate jewelry?
Does your family own any stocks or bonds?
Do you or your spouse have a retirement plan?
Do you have life insurance?
Does your spouse have life insurance?
Do you or your spouse have life insurance in your children’s names?
Number of children?
How old are your children?
Do any of these children attend private school?
Do any children attend college?
If so, how much is the annual college tuition?
Is any other family member living in the house?
Is any non-family member living in the house?
Do you get along well with the in-laws?
Are you here because you want a divorce?
Are you here because your spouse wants a divorce?
Are you here to get custody of a child?
Are you here about child support?
Do you owe back child support payments?
Are in need of collecting child support?
Are you here to file for legal separation?
Are you here to pronounce a family member dead?
Are you here to get help with a delinquent child?
Has your child been recently arrested or currently facing legal problems?
Would you describe this as an amicable divorce?
Would you describe this as a contentious divorce?
Do you want the children to stay with you?
Whom do you expect to pay for the children’s educational expenses?
Whom do you expect to pay for the children’s medical expenses?
Did a former client of ours recommend the firm?
Did you learn of our services through an advertisement?
If so, where did you see or hear this advertisement?
Whom should we contact in an emergency?
What is their phone number?
What is their cell phone number?
What is their address?
What is their relation to you?
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